Botanical Garden, Zoological Park and Museum

Botanical Garden, Zoological Park & Mueseum
Taxonomical Aids

In taxonomic studies, storage of the gathered information along with specimen is key tool for identification, classification and future studies purposes. Biologist have established such tools and technique to store and preserve the information as well as the specimens. Botanical Garden, Zoological park and Museum are some of them.

Botanical Garden

A special garden has collections of living plants for reference and identification purpose, maintained by educational (Botanical) institutions generally. Each plant of botanical gardens is labelled indicating its scientific name and family.

Sundial Garden in Singapore Botanic Gardens
Singapore Botanic Garden

Role of Botanical Gardens

  • serve as Ex-situ conservation for endangered plant species.
  • providing plant material for comparative taxonomic studies.
  • growing and maintaining records of local flora.
  • provide Seed Bank and Tissue Culture facilities.

Example of Botanical Gardens

  • Royal Botanical Garden, Kew (London)
  • Singapore Botanic Garden, Orchard Road (Singapore)
  • Indian Botanical Garden, Howrah (India)
  • National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow (India)

Zoological Park

A place where wild animals are kept in protected environment under human care. It is called as Zoo in short. Zoo is also used as educational place to learn about the food habits and behavior of wild animals. All animals in a zoo are provided the similar condition of their natural habitats as far as possible.
Indian Rhinoceros in National Zoological Park Delhi
Rhinoceros in National Zoological Park, Delhi (India)

Role of Zoological Park

  • Ex-situ conservation for endangered animal species.
  • Study of living animals by students.
  • Familiarising visitors with wild animals.
  • Source of tourists attraction.

Example of Zoological Park

  • National Zoological Garden of Africa, South Africa
  • London Zoo, UK
  • National Zoological Park, New Delhi
  • Alipore Zoological Garden, Kolkata


A place have collections of preserved plant and animal specimens and exhibition of objects of natural history, art and objects of antiquities. Biological museum are generally set up in educational institutes. 

Specimens are preserved in the containers in preservative solutions like formalin. Some are also may be preserved as dry specimens. Only those plants are preserved in museum which can not be kept in herbaria. After collecting and killing the Insects, they are preserved in insect box by pinning with tray. Larger animals like birds and mammals are preserved in stuffed and skeleton forms.
Swedish Museum of Natural History Stockholm, Sweden
Swedish Museum of Natural History

Role of Museum

  • exhibiting lifeless and inactive Specimens within building.
  • Fossils are exhibited and organismic evolution are depicted by models and charts.
  • providing information not only about the local fauna and flora but also of other areas.
  • collection of plants and animals of various area.

Example of Museum

  • American Museum of Natural History, New York (U.S.A)
  • Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockhlom (Sweden)
  • National Museum of Natural History, New Delhi (India)
  • Indian Museum, Kolkata (India)
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