Basic Concept of Biology

Here I discuss some elementary knowledge about Biology.

Basic Concept of Biology Definition :

Greek word ‘bio’ means ‘life’ and ‘logos’ means “to study”. In a single sentence, Biology is a Subject to study of lifeJ.B Lamarck proposed the term ‘BIOLOGY ‘ in 1802.

Biology as a subject basically describe the life processes and life cycle of living organisms on the Earth like a story. As it is a part of Natural Science, it analysis everything scientifically. So there are two “point of view” to define BIOLOGY. Firstly “Descriptive view” and secondly “analytical view”.

Basic concept of Biology Defination
Biology Defination

According to NCERT Biology text book (class 11, Unit 1st, Chapter 1st, page 5, last para) “Biology is the story of life on earth and Biology is the story of evolution of living organisms on earth” which which focused on the descriptive view. Again NCERT Biology text book (class 11, Unit 1st, 1st page, 1st line) mention that Biology is the science of life forms and living processes.

Aristotle, a greek philosopher, is known as Father of Biology.

Difference between Life Science and Biology:-

Natural Science has two main field of study, Physical Science where we study about inanimate objects and Life Science where we study about living systems. There are so many subject included in both field of view. Physical Science include Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Astronomy etc. Likewise Life Science has broad area where Biology, Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Food & Nutrition, Biomedical Science etc. are some examples.

Basic concept of Biology branches
Branches of Natural Science

Basic Concept of Biology Branches :


Scientific Study about Plants.
Father of Botany- Theophrastus.


Scientific study about Animals.
Father of Zoology- Aristotle.


Scientific study about Microbes.
Father of Microbiology : Leeuwenhoek


Study of genes, Genetic variations & heredity in organisms.
Father of Genetics : Gregor Mendel


Study about applications of Biology for Human Welfare.
Father of Biotechnology : Karl Ereky


Study about the interactions among organisms and between the organism and its physical (abiotic) environment.
Father of Ecology : Eugene Odum

Basic Concept of Biology Department :


Morphology is the study of the external forms and structure of organisms and their specific structural features.
The term ‘morph’ means ‘shape’ or form’.


Anatomy is the study for identification and description of internal body structure by disecting the organisms.
The term ‘ana’ means “in depth” and ‘tomy’ means “to cut”.


Physiology is the scientific study of function and mechanisms in a living system.

Basic Concept of Biology (Bengali Audio)
Basic Concept of Biology (Hindi Audio)

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