Enzymes : NCERT based MCQ for NEET

NCERT Biology class 11th text book includes this topic at the end of the chapter ‘Biomolecules‘. Some books include this topic ‘Enzymes’ under the chapter “Plant respiration”. But here I have covered this topic as per NCERT syllabus. Every year minimum one questions are asked from this topic in NEET. Now I introduce a MCQ practice session where the MCQ are purely NCERT based and very important for Neet. So let’s practice…


1. The protein portion of the enzymes is called :


2. In the absence of any enzyme, about 200 molecules of H2CO3 being formed from CO2 and H2O in an hour. Which of the following enzyme can increase the reaction rate by about 10 million times?


3. Concept of activation energy in Enzyme

Select the correct option mentioned with correct Lebels.


4. The rate of an enzymatic reaction doubles or decreases by half in either direction for change of every :


5. Select the correct statement:


6. Select the correct sequence of the steps of the catalytic cycle of an enzyme action.

A. The binding of the substrate induces the enzyme to alter its shape, fitting more tightly around the substrate.

B. The active site of the enzyme, now in close proximity of the substrate breaks the chemical bonds of the substrate and the new enzyme-product complex is formed.

C. The substrate binds to the active site of the enzyme, fitting into the active site.

D. The enzyme releases the products of the reaction and the free enzyme is ready to bind to another molecule of the substrate.


7. Select the incorrect statement about enzyme :


8. Select the incorrect about coenzyme.


9. Incorrect about Prosthetic group is :


10. Km is :


11. Enzymes that catalyse removal of groups from substrates by mechanisms other than hydrolysis leaving double bonds. This type of enzyme is called :


12. Which of the following is correct about competitive inhibition?


Question 1 of 12

NCERT based MCQ Practice Series

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Biological ClassificationClick here
Plant KingdomClick here
Animal Kingdom Click here
Plant MorphologyClick here
Plant AnatomyClick here
Animal TissueClick here
EarthwormClick here
CockroachClick here
Cell BiologyClick here
BiomoleculesClick here
EnzymesClick here
Cell DivisionClick here
Transport in PlantsClick here
Mineral NutritionClick here
Photosynthesis in Higher PlantsClick here
Respiration in PlantsClick here
Plant Growth and DevelopmentClick here
Digestion and AbsorptionClick here
Breathing and Exchange of GasesClick here
Body Fluied and CirculationClick here
Excretory Products and their EliminationClick here
Locomotion and MovementClick here
Neural Control and CoordinationClick here
Chemical Coordination and IntegrationClick here
Reproduction in OrganismClick here
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering PlantsClick here
Human ReproductionClick here
Reproductive HealthClick here
Principle of Inheritence & VariationClick here
Moleculer Basis of InheritanceClick here
EvolusionClick here
Human Health & DiseaseClick here
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Microbe in Human WelfareClick here
Biotechnology : Principles & ProcessesClick here
Biotechnology & its ApplicationClick here
Organism & PopulationClick here
EcosystemClick here
Biodiversity & ConservationClick here
Enviornmental IssuesClick here
More chapters are coming…

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