Plant Anatomy : NCERT based MCQ for NEET

“Anatomy of Flowering Plants” is a chapter of Botany, included under NEET 2023 syllabus. As the maximum questions are coming from NCERT text book directly in NEET, here I have set a MCQ practice session from this chapter. So, let’s start to practice MCQ…

Plant Anatomy

1. ‘Bark’ is a combination of :


2. Cork cambium in stem is formed by :


3. Which type of the following tissue present in young stem and petiole of a leaf ?


4. Choose the Incorrect statement :


5. In grasses, certain adaxial epidermal cells along the veins modify themselves into large, empty, colourless cells. These are called :


6. Which type of vascular bundle found in root?


7. Choose the Incorrect statement :


8. Bast fibres are :


9. Initiation of lateral roots and vascular cambium during the secondary growth takes place in :


10. Which of the following is living ?


11. Read the statement carefully and choose the correct option that talking about :

“It comprises a single layer of barrel-shaped cells without any intercellular spaces. The tangential as well as radial walls of the endodermal cells have a deposition of water-impermeable, waxy material suberinin the form of casparian strips.”


12. Which type of the following tissue present in young stem and petiole of a leaf ?


13. Cork, Cork cambium & Secondary cortex are collectively known as :


14. Annual ring constitute by :


15. Which of the following are capable of forming a branch or a flower ?


16. Cork is impervious to water due to deposition of :


17. Which of the following is incorrect ?


18. Read the statement carefully and choose the correct answer.


19. Dumb-bell shaped guard cell present in :


20. Trichomes are example of :


21. Match the following columns & select the correct option about dicot stem.

   Column – I                    Column – II

(a) Spring wood            (i) Dark wood

(b) Autumn wood        (ii) Late wood

(c) Heart wood             (iii) Light wood

(d) Sap wood                (iv) Early wood


22. Match the following columns & select the correct option about dicot stem.

Column – I                  Column – II

(a) Hypodermis          (i) Parenchyma

(b) Cortical layer        (ii) Sclerenchyma

(c) Endodermis          (iii) Starch sheath

(d) Pericycle               (iv) Collenchyma


23. Continous ring of cambium is completed by :


Question 1 of 23

NCERT based MCQ Practice Series

The Living World Click here
Biological ClassificationClick here
Plant KingdomClick here
Animal Kingdom Click here
Plant MorphologyClick here
Plant AnatomyClick here
Animal TissueClick here
EarthwormClick here
CockroachClick here
Cell BiologyClick here
BiomoleculesClick here
EnzymesClick here
Cell DivisionClick here
Transport in PlantsClick here
Mineral NutritionClick here
Photosynthesis in Higher PlantsClick here
Respiration in PlantsClick here
Plant Growth and DevelopmentClick here
Digestion and AbsorptionClick here
Breathing and Exchange of GasesClick here
Body Fluied and CirculationClick here
Excretory Products and their EliminationClick here
Locomotion and MovementClick here
Neural Control and CoordinationClick here
Chemical Coordination and IntegrationClick here
Reproduction in OrganismClick here
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering PlantsClick here
Human ReproductionClick here
Reproductive HealthClick here
Principle of Inheritence & VariationClick here
Moleculer Basis of InheritanceClick here
EvolusionClick here
Human Health & DiseaseClick here
Strategies for Enhancement in Food ProductionClick here
Microbe in Human WelfareClick here
Biotechnology : Principles & ProcessesClick here
Biotechnology & its ApplicationClick here
Organism & PopulationClick here
EcosystemClick here
Biodiversity & ConservationClick here
Enviornmental IssuesClick here
More chapters are coming…

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