What is Taxonomy and Systematics?

Taxonomy and Systematics

Taxonomy and Systematics Taxonomy is a process of classification and Systematics is a branch of taxonomy. Taxonomy and Systematics are two important topics in Biology. Here, I have explained the topic ” Diversity in the Living World” in which Taxonomy and Systematics are included. For the better understanding of Taxonomy and Systematics first of all we have … Read more

Asexual Reproduction, Clone & Vegetative Propagation

Asexual Reproduction

Here I discuss Asexual Reproduction, an important topic of NEET from the chapter 1st “Reproduction in Organisms” of the Biology Textbook for class 12 of NCERT publication. Life Span & Life Cycle An organism is immature when it takes birth. After that it grow and gain maturity gradually. When it become adult, taking part into … Read more