Taxonomic Key, Manual, Monograph & Catalogue

To know our bio-resources and their biodiversity, Taxonomic study is an important branch in biology where Taxonomic Key, Manual, Monograph & Catalogue are discussed. It is also useful in agriculture, forestry and industrial science. Identification & Collection of actual specimens is prime source of taxonomic studies. Informations are gathered from the collected specimen and store them are fundamental to taxonomic studies. For this purpose, Taxonomists have developed some tools and technique called Taxonomical Aids. Taxonomic Key, Manual, Monograph & Catalogue are some important taxonomical Aids.

Taxonomic Key

Key is a taxonomical aid based on the similarities and dissimilarities of characters. It is a type of booklet, gathering information as contrasting character, used for identification of plants and animals.

Taxonomic Key

In a key, sets of alternate characters of different types are arranged sequence wise in such a fashion that by selection and elimination one can quickly find out the name of the organism. A pair of alternate character is called Couplet. Each statement in the couplet is called a lead.

Keys are analytical in nature. Separate taxonomic keys are required for different level of category.

Type of Key

Taxonomic keys are two types — Bracketed key and Indented key.

  • In bracketed key, the contrasting characters are given numbers in brackets.
  • In indented or yolked key, two or more contrasting characters are in sequence from which selection and elimination are carried out.


Manuals are a type of useful taxonomical tool providing information of name of species found in a particular area. It is a recording descriptions used for identification purposes in taxonomic studies.


monograph in taxonomy
Monograph in Taxonomy

Monographs are a special type of taxonomical aid. The term ‘Monograph’ is derived from morden Latin word ‘monographia’. The word ‘mono’ means ‘single’ and ‘-graph’ means “something written” It provides a collective informations about a single taxon. Monograph is basically comprehensive treatment of a single taxon. Taxonomists prepare and disseminate informations about any one taxon through Monograph.


Catalogue is a list which enumerates methodically all the species found in an area with brief description aiding identification.

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